About Us

T-shirtsthatsuck got it’s modest start way back in the summer of 1685 with a rudimentary knowledge of screen printing, some basic supplies, and an idea…oh, and a lot of late nights! I believe the real impetus came when a friend of a friend was frantically searching for a Nine Inch Nails parody t-shirt (use your imagination). After countless unsuccessful internet searches we decided we could it ourselves…better.

Since then we have adapted and upgraded to stay relevant and current in what has become a very popular and competitive industry…apparently anyone with a computer and a website has a t-shirt company these days!

We take pride in both the originality of our ideas, and the quality of our product. Our t-shirts are super soft, look great, are artistically hand screen printed and are made in the good ‘ole U.S.A.!

We try to keep all of our ideas current, clever and maybe even a little obscure. We are responsible for the majority of our ideas but we do get a lot of witty gems from our devout colleagues, cohorts and customers…so if you have any great ideas send ‘em our way, if we use 'em you will be handsomely rewarded!

If you've got any suggestions, questions, comments or digs about our products or our site, shoot us a quick email at feedback@tshirtsthatsuck.com.

Thanks for checking us out!